Financial Support

Help & Support/Customer care/Financial Support

Financial support to suit your needs

We understand that life can be unpredictable. Unexpected bills can pop up, or monthly expenses can be higher at different times of the year. If you find yourself in this type of situation and are worried about your upcoming Onmo payment there’s help that is available to you.

For a full list of our FAQs related to financial support, please click here.


Early signs of financial difficulty and what you should do

Some of the early signs of financial difficulty can include only being able to pay the minimum payments, missing payments, needing to take more credit to keep up with your repayments, or having unexpected expenses stretching your budget.

If you’re going through this, the best thing to do is contact our Specialist Customer Care Team. We’re here to help and understand your situation to discuss options available to you. You can reach our team by phone here during our opening hours, just press 2 to get connected. You can also reach us by email at

The earlier you reach out, the more we can do to help.


Letting us know if you’re unable to make a payment

If you know that you won’t be able to make any payments, it’s important to let us know as soon as you can. We may be able to offer options such as temporary reduced payments or agree a promise-to-pay, which can give you some time to get back on track.

We also have a budgeting tool that can help us work with you to figure out what level of repayment would be affordable, based on your current financial situation. No matter what option suits you best


Free independent debt advice is available if you need it before contacting us

If you’d like independent advice, there are several UK-based organisations that provide free help and support:

StepChange: or call 0800 138 1111

PayPlan: or call 0800 280 2816

Citizens Advice: or call 0800 144 8848

These organisations can offer guidance on managing your finances and dealing with debt.

If you are looking for additional support, you can also reach out to Samaritans at 116 123 (Free), MIND at 0300 123 3393, or NHS Emergency Services at 111 if you need someone to talk to during a challenging time.


No matter your circumstances, we’re here to help

If you don’t do anything about your financial difficulties, it could lead to missed payments, defaults, and ultimately legal action. This could have serious consequences for your credit file and ability to get credit in the future.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us – our Specialist Customer Care Team is here to help.


Registering a Complaint

We’re committed to providing the best possible service to our customers, but we know things don’t always go right. If you need to register a complaint with us, please visit our Complaints page for more information.